Miss Oklahoma :: Day 1 ::

WHOAH! Where did this year go?! Is it just me or did June sneak up on us this time??

Today was the first day of Miss Oklahoma week and it couldn’t have been more fun. Seriously. I don’t know if I have ever had this good of a time at the pageant before. The energy is flowing, personalities are meshing, and if this is any indication of the show to come – ya’ll better get ready for an epic event!

960160_669906853034865_620030933_nWe checked in and had rehearsals this morning. The opening number is super upbeat and fresh, plus another song for Thursday’s prelims you will all know and love – and will probably make you get up and dance in the aisles! Wendy’s provided lunch (thank you so much!!!), but I really missed seeing the owner’s daughter, who always dresses as Wendy (wig and all!), and is a former Miss Oklahoma Star. She has always been the highlight of our lunch. 🙂 Merritt’s sent us some tasty cookies as well (if you haven’t tasted a Merritt’s cookie, you haven’t lived), making us totally fueled up for the afternoon rehearsals.


Around 5:00 we left and checked out the dorms, which our families had been piecing together throughout the day. I was shocked to see a nearly life-size cut-out of myself (maybe my evil twin?), and a room decked out in my FAVORITE (next to lambs) OF ALL ANIMALS – the completely unique pink flamingo.

Twinkling pink flamingo lights are strung across the room, there are flamingo portraits covering the walls, notepads with the cutest pinkest bird of all – and I am currently even sitting on pink flamingo sheets. I think Karen missed her calling as an extreme interior designer, but I’m feeling so pink in this Pinkalicious room.

After families and directors left, we had our secret sis gift exchange and some delicious KFC chicken, then got ready for the Body Trends Red Carpet Masquerade Premiere. I’m always amazed at how many people can fit into the Crowne Plaza ballrooms, and everyone’s masks were AH-MA-ZING! Mine was, surprise surprise, a pink flamingo! I loved having a second to see one of my stars, Brynlie, family, friends, and directors! Once the modeling portion was complete, Lauren Nelson Faram announced the six Community Service Award finalists and I was ELATED to be among those selected! I love sharing my platform work with others and am thankful for the opportunity which has been provided for me to create a wave of change when it comes to relational aggression. Thank you, Kiwanis Club of Tulsa, for deeming my work worthy of such recognition! It is truly an honor!

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How precious is this girl?! Her dad was my 7th grade math teacher and someone who helped me overcome the imprinting on my brain that I was bad at math. After years of being mocked of for slow math skills, he was able to help me see math as fun and important. This family is so special to me!

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Seestur and Fred, the Flamingo


Carnegie Scouts

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis year I have had the unique opportunity to revisit and continue my relationships with many of the Girl Scout troops I spoke to last year – my Carnegie Troop included! I met with this group of fourth-grade Girl Scouts who had selected the topic of bullying for the focus of their Bronze Award. They had SO many great ideas and will be donating anti-bullying books to their elementary school – something which did not exist in my own elementary school library fifteen years ago. The troop is also staging a puppet show, which they intend to perform for younger students and perhaps even a dress rehearsal at a local library! We came up with many scenarios and roles to include, and it will be an amazing show! Knowing there are young girls who respect each other and female friendships reinforces that relational aggression CAN be suppressed and this group of Girl Scouts will make such a difference as role models within their school. Thank you SO much for providing this opportunity! I cannot wait to see the final script!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHow gorgeous is that hand-painted mural behind us?!

Community Action Project :: Part II ::

I’m not sure what took more energy out of me – teaching, or presenting my platform to 12 three, four and five-year-old classrooms! Both have so much in common, but working with my platform is something I get to instill within my twenty students daily, and getting to share it with multiple rooms was a special treat.

My colleagues see me as “Ms. B” every day, and so rarely get a peek into my alter-ego, who often dashes off after school with shiny hat in place. I was amazed at the response from other teachers about what my program provides in terms of education, verbage, and preparation for their future. I knew that the kids would have several take-aways, but have been blown away by the use of my teachings within each educator’s day-to-day routine. Thank you for having the mindset to understand the impact suppression efforts can have at the youngest of ages – and particularly for being proactive within your own classroom!!


Tulsa Kiwanians

Over the past four years, I have spent Contestant’s Day anxiously awaiting to see if my name would be called to speak at the Kiwanis meeting…. and after four years, I finally made the cut!! To say I love the Kiwanians is such an understatement. Since I began competing – as Miss South OKC’s Outstanding Teen in 2006, I have received more support from these amazing people than I can begin to describe. The Kiwanis Club of Tulsa is collectively made up of the kindest of people. It was Roger Herring who gave words of encouragement after seeing me dance for the first time, and it is Richard Jaegar who never misses a photo opportunity.

Between the dozens of Kiwanians who support this program, I have been more than blessed. It was great to be able to thank them in person – and I said it Monday, but we are thankful for the time they spend in making Miss Oklahoma the show it is, in following every wild dream Kent comes up with, in fundraising for the thousands upon thousands of scholarship dollars given each year, and through their fine attention to detail. After all, our lives are literally in their hands, as we could have a Susan Lucci (All My Children) scaffolding accident at any moment. But that will never happen with our Kiwanians. Thank you for inviting us to speak and perform our talents at your meeting!


Work Hard, Get Smart, Go to COLLEGE!

There isn’t much in life we have control over. Even though I am one incredibly Type-A teacher, I have learned more by riding the waves and adjusting the sails than trying to turn a Pre-K classroom into an obsessive-compulsive, flash-card wielding haven. The August birthday cupcake denoting our peridot birthdays is completely missing, our carpet is permanently marked by tape with my current student’s names (good luck to anyone who wants to peel those babies up!), and I don’t see one kid in this picture with their mouth closed in a smile. This is my life… and I love it! Investing in my own group of students has been nothing short of an adventure and this picture captures how our room functions perfectly. Nothing is more fun than sharing my sparkly hat with these little people! Win or learn – I will always be the Queen of Oklahoma in their eyes!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


Nearly three years ago, I applied to Teach For America, not knowing if I would be accepted or not. It’s amazing to think of how much has changed within and the opportunity I have had to change other’s lives. I say it a lot, but it is true – I get to be Miss Oklahoma in the eyes of twenty kids every single day. They already think I am the queen of Oklahoma, and I get to go to work each day knowing that I have created a ripple which will make huge waves for the rest of their lives.

Last week, one of my students drew this picture after seeing a photo of me in my evening gown. Notice – I do not have a crown on my head in the picture she saw, but she drew me exactly as she believes I am – Miss Oklahoma. The last two years have been so special, but it’s really difficult to send my kids off to different kindergartens and cross my fingers that I have done enough for them. Soon I will be fundraising to help bring my students to a preliminary night at Miss Oklahoma to make the connection that if you work hard, get smart, and go to college – you can make your dreams come true. If you are interested in donating towards purchasing tickets, please let me know BritanTM@gmail.com!

Amway’s $10,000 scholarship contest

There She Inspires

As many of you may know, I am heavily involved in the Miss America local pageant system and will compete for the title of Miss Oklahoma for the fourth and final time this year.

It is for many reasons that I became involved with Teach for America – but among them I credit my involvement with the Miss America Organization and my local platform. Please follow the link below (if it does not direct you to my page, seek the “Teacher, Advocate, Titleholder” photo with a collage of three pictures), to help me win a $10,000 scholarship.

My goal is to attend George Washington University and receive a master’s in Political Management. With your votes – once every 24 hours – this dream could become a reality!!

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Click here to vote!